Thursday, August 8, 2013


Social Media and Student Engagement

Click to Enlarge

The interrelationship between engagement theory and social media integration.  This graphic illustrates how the three basic principles of engagement theory support (some of) the documented positive outcomes of social media-rich instruction. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why bother?


I was fairly confident that blogging was kind of a joke around the internet.  Sort of like when a group of your friends tells you that they all really like Jojo so you go out and buy her CD and then they make fun of you for listening to it in your car.  
Banksy This wall is a designated graffiti area picture
Designated Graffiti Area

I have actually heard blogging referred to as, for example, graffiti with punctuation.  

So I intended to start my first blog post with some ironic wit about doing it anyway.  However, when I searched for "quotes about blogging," I found that there was a fairly positive general view about this medium.  

Seemingly important people were commenting on the usefulness, significance, and - believe it or not - coolness of blogging!  That's when I realized that those people were all bloggers.


As far as I can tell, there are four reasons why one chooses to engage in this type of information sharing:
  1. for the money,
  2. for the show,
  3. to get ready, and
  4. to go. 
Numbers one and two are out and I am not sure where I am going yet, so I choose three.